To enhance spiritual growth, to encourage bringing out one’s latent gifts / talents and to continuously improve in adding value to family and church through edifying
fellowship in our Almighty Lord.
According to The Methodist Discipline Guidelines, the vital role of Methodist men is:
Scriptural guideline for Fellowship
“Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honour giving preference to one another, not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord” – Romans 12:10-11
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” – Psalms 133:1
Meetings on Sundays
We gather after Sunday worship in church premises on 1st and 3rd Sundays.
Methodist Men Sunday / Father’s Day
Every year, Methodist Men’s Sunday is observed in August/September.
Father’s Day Service is also facilitated by the Methodist Men. These special Sunday Services gives an opportunity to each member of the fellowship to actively take part in conducting the Service.
Retreats are organized on holidays at resorts or to any worship Center where nature is at its best. Praise and worship in abandon, combined with inspiring spiritual message in a calm and serene environment strengthens the spiritual vigour and vibrancy participants leading to revival.
Missionary field visits
We organize visits to missionary fields. The objectives of these missionary field visits are twofold. One is to have a personal interaction with the missionaries and the new believers who were led into the fold of Christ, which encourages and appreciates both the missionaries and the new believers. The second objective is to spiritually edify and enhance us by having a first-hand feel of vibrant believers with infectious zeal and zest.
These field visits inadvertently led to raising funds to support the newly formed churches in the field such as renovation of church building and electrification of Worship Centers.
Financial support to missionaries
We have been contributing regularly towards the noble cause of supporting missionaries. We are supporting 31 missionaries from various organizations and education support for 30 Children’s from Navjeevan Seva Mandal . More importantly we uphold them with our prayers.
President – Mr. Manna T R Dhas
Vice President – Mr. J John David
Secretary – Mr. S. Soundararajan
Treasurer – Mr. Wilson Charles